Iyengar Yoga for Back Pain

As many of you know, Iyengar Yoga has been instrumental in helping me manage my back pain.

For anyone who deals with a body part that is vulnerable (aka susceptible to 'acting up'), it's important to recognize that your yoga practice may need to change, depending on the day.

That's why there are asanas I turn to help keep my back happy, healthy, and strong, and there are OTHER asanas I turn to when my back is compromised and causing me grief.

In this Iyengar Yoga video, I share 3 asanas that I regularly turn to relieve tension in my lower back.

Each of these Iyengar Yoga asanas utilize yoga props to help create space (length and width) in the lumbar region.

I hope you enjoy these asanas as much as I do!

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Iyengar Yoga for Grief & Anxiety


Adho Mukha Svanasana for Scoliosis