Let’s practice!
Please enjoy these free Iyengar Yoga online practices: Iyengar Yoga for Back Pain, Iyengar Yoga for Tight Hips, Yoga for Scoliosis, Yoga for Focus & Productivity and many more! And… if you are looking for Iyengar Yoga in Toronto, be sure to come visit! Our studio is bright, welcoming, and a very special place 💜💚.
Strong Hamstrings: Benefit Your Knees & Progress Your Handstand
While releasing tight hamstrings can be a worthy pursuit, strengthening your hamstrings is what will ultimately deliver the most benefit. Today’s practice is designed to help you ENGAGE and STRENGTHEN those hamstrings, with benefits to your knees, hips, and lower back.
Relieve Upper Back Stiffness
In this session, I guide you through a thoughtfully sequenced intermediate-level Iyengar Yoga practice, incorporating backbends and inversions to create space and ease in the upper back. By working with yoga props such as bolsters, chairs, and blocks, we’ll support the body while deepening each posture for maximum benefit. These props not only enhance alignment but also allow for greater accessibility and precision, helping you refine your practice.
Iyengar Yoga for Rejuvenation
This is a 10 minute Iyengar Yoga practice of seated poses, with a focus on twisting. These twisting postures not only leave you feeling rejuvenated but also help increase spinal mobility, relieve stiffness, and cultivate mental clarity. Go ahead, revitalize your body and refresh your mind with this short Iyengar Yoga practice!
Iyengar Yoga for Legs & Hamstrings
Looking to improve your forward bends? Target your legs and hamstrings with a combination of dynamic and static asanas! In this Iyengar Yoga sequence, you'll explore a multitude of leg variations and learn how different seated position affect your ability to propel forward.
Improve Your Padmasana
Enjoy this quick and effective Iyengar Yoga sequence for improving Padmasana. All you need is 10 minutes a day!
Iyengar Yoga for Spinal Strength
In this 25-minute Iyengar Yoga practice, you'll explore various yoga poses that target the muscles of the back, help to alleviate tension, and improve overall spinal health. It's a short but effective Iyengar Yoga sequence that hones in on strength building in order to condition the spinal and deep abdominal muscles.
Progress Your Inversions
In this 35 min Iyengar Yoga inversions sequence, learn tips and techniques to develop strength and confidence in poses like headstand, handstand, & shoulder balance.
Seated Forward Bends
Experience the benefits of forward bending in this 30-Minute Iyengar Yoga class and learn how forward bending asanas can both support better posture and also release unnecessary tension in the body.
Full Body Awakening
Focusing on hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and obliques, in this Iyengar yoga class, you'll stretch and strengthen all the right areas. By combining strong stabilization techniques for the hips and pelvis with twisting, this Iyengar Yoga practice is wonderfully energizing for your entire spine. It's designed to leave you feeling refreshed and focused.
Handstand Variations
Take your handstand practice a step further with this detailed Iyengar Yoga tutorial focusing on variations of Adho Mukha Vrksasana. Explore 3 creative modifications by strategically incorporating the use of props and building core strength, shoulder stability, and balance into your Adho Mukha Vrksasana!
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Improve your Urdhva Dhanurasana in this 30-minute Iyengar Yoga practice. This important backbend can help build upper arm strength, decrease stiffness, and increase flexibility.
Iyengar Yoga & Shoulder Mobility
This 15-minute Iyengar Yoga practice is designed to enhance shoulder mobility and boost upper arm strength. You won't need many props, making it an ideal 'get up and go' routine. Enjoy!
Intermediate Practice
In this 40-min intermediate level Iyengar Yoga practice, learn how to deepen your groins and lengthen your lumbar spine in the ardha position. These important techniques can radically transform your experience of forward bending asanas.
Iyengar Yoga for Strong & Stable Hips
Today's practice is equal parts hip mobility and hip strengthening. Enjoy this fun but challenging sequence and reap the rewards of happy, healthy hips and also a clear, grounded mind.
Align Your Legs for a Strong Foundation
Tadasana is a fundamental yoga pose that forms the basis for many standing postures. Understanding proper leg alignment in Tadasana is crucial to maintaining balance, improving posture, and establishing a solid grounding during your yoga practice.
Getting Started with Headstand Variations
If you are keen to develop strong shoulders and a stable core, Eka Pada Sirsasana is a great variation for you to incorporate into your headstand practice. And, if you would like to develop the confidence to move your headstand away from the wall and start balancing in the middle of the room, this Iyengar Yoga practice will target key areas to help you get there.
Iyengar Yoga for Grief & Anxiety
This particular practice is one that I turn to in times of despair. I have found that it helps quell my anxiety. I offer a few thoughts for reflection, mainly pertaining to the symbolism of the asanas, but much of the practice is in silence.
Iyengar Yoga for Back Pain
In this video, I share 3 asanas that I regularly turn to relieve tension in my lower back. Each of these Iyengar Yoga poses strategically utilize yoga props to help create space (length and width) in the lumbar region.
Adho Mukha Svanasana for Scoliosis
Iyengar Yoga for scoliosis is a super effective way to address spinal imbalances and reduce back pain. In this week's YouTube release, we look at how to do Adho Mukha Svanasana (also called Downward Dog) for scoliosis. You'll learn how to modify Adho Mukha Svanasana for a right thoracic left lumbar curve and explore 5 different techniques.
4 Ways to Support Your Headstand with Bricks
Learning how to do a supported headstand is a wonderful option for Iyengar Yoga beginners, for students looking to refine their headstand alignment, and for Intermediate Iyengar Yoga practitioners keen to further their understanding of fundamental actions.