Getting Started with Headstand Variations

Iyengar Yoga loves it's inversions!

At first, it's exciting to simply get upside down.

And although getting into Sirsasana is an accomplishment in and of itself,  it's also the key that opens the floodgate for many more fascinating explorations to occur!

In this week's YouTube release, I demonstrate how to use the wall to start exploring Eka Pada Sirsasana, an important headstand variation. In fact, we'll look at a couple different leg variations.

If you are already comfortable with 'getting up' into your Salamba Sirsasana, this work can be a logical next step for you.

Similarly, if you are keen to develop strong shoulders and a stable core, Eka Pada Sirsasana is a great variation for you to incorporate into your headstand practice.

AND... if you would like to develop the confidence to move your headstand away from the wall and start balancing in the middle of the room, this Iyengar Yoga practice will target key areas to help you get there.

So I guess what I'm saying is  that Eka Pada Sirsasana is an all around great pose, hahah 🤣

Enjoy and happy practicing!


Align Your Legs for a Strong Foundation


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