Anywhere, Anytime: Your Go-To 10-Minute Iyengar Yoga Sequence

Today’s Iyengar Yoga sequence is one that you can take with you, off the mat and into your daily life. This ability to do yoga anywhere and anytime is powerful because it means that you can inject self-care, no matter when the opportunity presents. 

Iyengar Yoga beginners and experienced Iyengar Yoga practitioners can undoubtedly benefit from consistent practice but the truth is, sometimes, 10 minutes is all we’ve got.

So.... if you are short on time, uncertain about your capacity, or unfamiliar with yoga props, this Iyengar Yoga class will be right up your alley. All you need is, quite literally, 10 minutes. That’s it. Even a yoga mat is unnecessary!

Whether you are between meetings at the office, on a study break from school, standing in line at the grocery store, or waiting for the kettle to boil, yoga without a mat can be tremendously effective. 

Remember: some yoga is ALWAYS better than no yoga 😉💜🙏


Iyengar Yoga for Beginners | Perfect Way to Start the Day 


What is Iyengar Yoga?