Iyengar Yoga with a Strap

Explore the benefits of Iyengar Yoga poses with a strap in this comprehensive 45-minute yoga sequence. Whether you're a dedicated practitioner, new to Iyengar Yoga, or always on the go, using a yoga strap can offer many advantages, including hamstring stretches, hip stability, core strength, and shoulder mobility. With just one yoga strap, you can enjoy a well-rounded Iyengar yoga practice anytime, anywhere. No need for extensive props (or even a mat)! This video is perfect for anyone seeking a convenient and effective Iyengar yoga routine. Whether you're in a hotel room, at the cottage, or simply looking to enhance your daily practice, this class has you covered!

Enjoy and happy practicing!


Release Lower Back Tension with Spinal Traction


Iyengar Yoga Standing Poses with a Chair