Iyengar Yoga for Lazy Glutes | Strengthen & Tone Your Buttocks

In today’s class, we explore yoga poses for strong glutes. If you are one of the masses who have chronically lazy glutes, this Iyengar Yoga sequence will teach you how to encourage (and sustain!) glute activation.

Because your buttock muscles support the base of the spine, this practice is also a great way to strengthen your lower back and avoid future back pain. The Iyengar Yoga poses in the video target buttock muscles, thighs, hamstrings, and hips.

Whether you are a beginner student or a more experienced practitioner, this practice has something special in it just for you! Have fun 😉!


Iyengar Yoga Poses for Strong Arms


Iyengar Yoga for Feet & Ankles | Stretch & Strengthen