Let’s practice!
Please enjoy these free Iyengar Yoga online practices: Iyengar Yoga for Back Pain, Iyengar Yoga for Tight Hips, Yoga for Scoliosis, Yoga for Focus & Productivity and many more! And… if you are looking for Iyengar Yoga in Toronto, be sure to come visit! Our studio is bright, welcoming, and a very special place 💜💚.
4 Ways to Support Your Headstand with Bricks
Learning how to do a supported headstand is a wonderful option for Iyengar Yoga beginners, for students looking to refine their headstand alignment, and for Intermediate Iyengar Yoga practitioners keen to further their understanding of fundamental actions.
Iyengar Yoga to Recharge | 30 Min
In this 30 min Iyengar Yoga class, get ready to recharge and reboot! If you're looking to skip that afternoon espresso but still want a 'pick me up', this Iyengar Yoga sequence should hit the spot nicely.
Full Body Iyengar Yoga | Deep & Dynamic Core Work | 30 min
Are you looking for an Iyengar Yoga practice to trigger and strengthen your deep core muscles? Are you ready for full body engagement? Yes? Then today's practice is for you!
Iyengar Yoga Twists to Spark Creativity & Release Tension | 25 min
If you are ready to get the creative juices flowing while also releasing spinal tension, this practice is for you!
Iyengar Yoga for Strong Knees | 30 Mins
Today's practice is about protecting and strengthening your knees. It's also about protecting and strengthening your hips 😉.
Full Body Iyengar Yoga | Deep & Dynamic Core Work | 30 Mins
Are you looking for an Iyengar Yoga practice to trigger and strengthen your deep core muscles? Are you ready for full body engagement? What about F-U-N? Are you ready for a fun, dynamic Iyengar Yoga sequence?
Yes? Then today's practice is for you!
Iyengar Yoga for Tech Neck | Relieve Tension | 25 Min
This Iyengar Yoga sequence is for you! ✓ Simple but effective, this Iyengar Yoga practice will relieve tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back while at the same time, help you to strengthen your upper arms.
Iyengar Yoga for Hips & Lower Back Release
In today’s class, we work on stabilizing the hips, opening the groins, and strengthening the buttock muscles -- all with the underlying aim of supporting the spine.
Virasana Variations | Stiff Ankles & Cranky Knees
Does Virasana (Hero Pose) challenge your stiff ankles and cranky knees? If yes, this Iyengar Yoga tutorial is for you!
Iyengar Yoga for a Flexible Mind & Body | Side Bending
If you are looking to discover (or celebrate 🎉) the gifts of side bending and lateral yoga poses, look no further!!!
Iyengar Yoga for Tired Legs | Refresh
Whether you are looking to give your feet, knees, legs, and hips some extra care and attention (& relief!) or whether you are feeling blah and fatigued, this Iyengar Yoga sequence has you covered!
Work Towards an Iyengar Yoga Dropback (with levity!!!)
With the specific aim of bringing lightness and levity to both the body and mind, join me for this fun progression of Urdhva Dhanurasana (wheel pose).
Learn to Handstand with Strength & Confidence
This Iyengar Yoga sequence is designed for students who aren't yet able to do a yoga handstand but who want to know *what to practice* to help them along their hand standing journey.
Iyengar Yoga for Anxiety || Dissipate Nervous Energy
Are you feeling anxious and stressed? Is your mind racing?
This 35-min Iyengar Yoga sequence is designed to help dissipate nervous energy.
Shoulder Stand for Beginners || Step by Step
In this Iyengar Yoga video, I show you, step by step, how to work on this classic yoga inversion. I demonstrate 3 different shoulder stand variations, each one building on the previous. If you are new to yoga, you may wish to practice each variation for some time before progressing to the next.
Iyengar Yoga for Menstrual Cramps
Today's 30-minute yoga practice is designed for students looking to decrease period cramps while also craving an energizing practice. The focus is on relieving abdominal tension while enlivening one's mood.
Iyengar Yoga Poses for Strong Arms
Are you wondering how to get strong arms? Are you looking for a yoga practice to target and strengthen your arms and shoulders?
Iyengar Yoga for Lazy Glutes | Strengthen & Tone Your Buttocks
If you are one of the masses who have chronically lazy glutes, this Iyengar Yoga sequence will teach you how to encourage (and sustain!) glute activation.
Iyengar Yoga for Feet & Ankles | Stretch & Strengthen
Whether it's because of arthritic joints, plantar fasciitis, or weak arches, today's Iyengar Yoga sequence is packed with yoga stretches to enhance foot flexibility and cultivate foot and ankle strength.
Scoliosis & Yoga Twists: Do’s & Don’ts
In today's Iyengar Yoga tutorial, we take a look at scoliosis and yoga twists.