Relieve Upper Back Stiffness

Upper back stiffness is a common challenge, often stemming from long hours at a desk, poor posture, or simply waking up with tightness. Whether you’re experiencing discomfort from daily habits or looking to enhance spinal mobility, this Iyengar Yoga practice is designed to help you release tension, open the shoulders, and cultivate flexibility along the spine.

In this session, I guide you through a thoughtfully sequenced intermediate-level Iyengar Yoga practice, incorporating backbends and inversions to create space and ease in the upper back. By working with yoga props such as bolsters, chairs, and blocks, we’ll support the body while deepening each posture for maximum benefit. These props not only enhance alignment but also allow for greater accessibility and precision, helping you refine your practice.


Strong Hamstrings: Benefit Your Knees & Progress Your Handstand


Iyengar Yoga for Rejuvenation