Virasana Variations | Stiff Ankles & Cranky Knees

Does Virasana (Hero Pose) challenge your stiff ankles and cranky knees? If yes, this Iyengar Yoga tutorial is for you!

In today's yoga practice, we explore:
β–Ά basic alignment principles to help keep your knees and ankles happy,
β–Ά what to practice before and after your Virasana, and
β–Ά a variety of different ways to approach this fundamental yoga pose.

The practice is by no means an exhaustive look at Virasana variations, but we'll get the creative juices flowing!

Please remember, HOW you do a pose can be a function of WHY. Engaging in this type of dialogue and unpacking hidden relationships is a beautiful way to reveal new insights and personalize your yoga practice.

Have fun exploring your Virasana β˜ΊοΈπŸ™ŒπŸŒˆ


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