4 Ways to Support Your Headstand with Bricks

Inversions play an important role in Iyengar Yoga and are frequently practiced. The Iyengar Yoga Headstand is especially beloved by many (myself included 😉).

In this video, I demonstrate Salamba Sirsasana (headstand) with support. I highlight 4 different configurations, using yoga blocks.

Learning how to do a supported headstand is a wonderful option for Iyengar Yoga beginners, for students looking to refine their headstand alignment, and for Intermediate Iyengar Yoga practitioners keen to further their understanding of fundamental actions.

Headstand with blocks can also provide students with confidence as they begin exploring variations such as Eka Pada Sirsasana, Parsva Sirsasana, and Viparita Karani in Sirsasana.

In this video, you'll have the opportunity to explore Supported Sirsasana using 2 bricks, 3 bricks, and 4 yoga bricks.

Believe it or not, the 4 setups highlighted in this video barely scratch the surface of how headstand can be supported in Iyengar Yoga. There are many MORE ways to use yoga blocks, as well as chairs, benches, ropes, and the wall!

Enjoyyy and happy practicing!


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